16 mar 2016

Easter is coming!!!

Easter is coming and we have being decorating eggs in our English class. Well done, kids!

Easter eggs are a very old tradition going to a time before Christianity. Eggs after all are a symbol of spring and new life.

Exchanging and eating Easter eggs is a popular custom in many countries. In the UK before they were replaced by chocolate Easter eggs real eggs were used, in most cases, chicken eggs. The eggs were hard-boiled and dyed in various colors and patterns. The traditionally bright colours represented spring and light.

An older more traditional game is one in which real eggs are rolled against one another or down a hill. The owner of the egg that stayed uncracked the longest won. Even today in the north of England, for example as at Preston in Lancashire, they still carry out the custom of egg rolling. Hard boiled eggs are rolled down slopes to see whose egg goes furthest. In other places another game is played. You hold an egg in the palm of the hand and bang against your opponent's egg. The loser is the one whose egg breaks first.


5 comentarios:

  1. Marta y Sara de 5ºC7 de abril de 2016, 9:19

    Hola somos Marta y Sara de 5ºC. Nos han gustado mucho vuestros huevos de pascua. Este año no hemos hecho ninguno, pero nos encantaría hacerlo. ¡Os han quedado muy chulos!Espero que hagamos huevos de pascua el año que viene en 6º.

  2. Carla y Alba 5ºC7 de abril de 2016, 9:22

    Hola somos Alba y Carla de 5ºC
    Nos han gustado mucho los huevos de pascua, están muy chulos.
    ¿Os ha costado pintarlo, no se os borraba? ¿no se os a roto ninguno?
    Esperamos que os lo hayáis pasado bien.

  3. Leyre y Jenny 6ºA7 de abril de 2016, 9:58

    Parece que se han divertido mucho.

  4. Hola somos Sedna y Abigail . Nos gusta mucho lo que habéis hecho con los huevo es interesante y sobretodo divertido.

  5. ANDREA Y MARINA 6ºC :-)14 de abril de 2016, 11:52

    ¡Soy famosa, sale mi mano!la actividad ha estado muy bien y me he divertido mucho...¡Qué buena idea Beatriz!
